Industrial - Honours

The Hog Hold

Designed to help with tackling the problem of feral pigs in Australia. The Hog Hold is a reimagined take on the traditional circular pig trap design, incorporating GPS technology and easy-planting mechanisms. All incorporated into an exceptionally sturdy and lightweight aluminium frame

The Hog Hold

Hi, My Name is Coen Lange and this is my Project. The short story to why I chose to look into feral pigs is because the majority of my extended family live out in Western Queensland, some as farmers. So I began looking into what issues do farmers face, to see if I could design something that could help them, or at the very least people they know. Eventually, I came across feral animals, from there I derived an idea about which ones posed the most consistent threat to farmers in Queensland. Two popped up as top contenders, feral dogs and pigs. So I asked myself, what problem could potentially benefit more from my ideas. Eventually, I chose feral pigs, a thorn that never seems to leave the side of many crop farmers, or if they do, it comes at a steep price. So I set out to redesign a feral pig trap to minimize time spent on set up, management, and deconstruction of modern traps. With that, I give you, The Hog Hold

The tradition of dealing with feral animals has always been relevant in rural environments. Yet, one in the realm of feral pig control remains the most effective, the humble pig trap. With this redesign, the concept makes use of modern aesthetics, processes, and technologies. The looks are derived from the synergy of octagonal simplicity, to give such a large-scale design synergy throughout its entirety.
The tradition of dealing with feral animals has always been relevant in rural environments. Yet, one in the realm of feral pig control remains the most effective, the humble pig trap. With this redesign, the concept makes use of modern aesthetics, processes, and technologies. The looks are derived from the synergy of octagonal simplicity, to give such a large-scale design synergy throughout its entirety.
A person standing upon one of the easy-plant mechanisms. Which are platforms that feet can make contact with to be pressed down. Inserting a spike into the gorun
The technology aspect of the design is located at the entrance of the design for usability purposes. Created with an inbuilt GPS transmitter that sends information from its camera and infrared sensor through the Hog Hold application to make management of the users traps easier than ever seen before in the trapping industry. A true one-in-all set and forget trap.

Coen Jorge Ray Lange

Coen is an Industrial Designer that strives to see the world as a better place, one design at a time. With a belief that every good design starts with a clear and deep understanding of the issue and which approach to take.