Industrial - Honours
The Core DM-1 watch is designed to be an all in one HUB for diabetics with a Blood Glucose sensor that tracks through sweat, a blood pressure sensor, ECG sensor, a unique 60R curved design for ergonomics and a fully customised Operating System (OS). The watch acts as a device to monitor all of the crucial aspects that adversely affect the user, as well as allows the user to send a report to their endocrinologist, which acts as a 2-way system and the doctor/ endocrinologist can send suggestions and update exercise or dietary tables. This is discrete condition control to relieve the symptoms of diabetes. This truly is the next step for diabetes control.
The Core DM – 1 utilises 4 types of sensors; a Blood Glucose Level sensor, a Blood Pressure sensor, an Eco Cardiogram Sensor and a Heart Rate Monitor. What is special about all of these sensors is that they haven’t been configured inside a single device yet, making this a new standpoint for diabetes control. The blood glucose level sensor also functions differently from the standard blood glucose readers, in that this one reads the glucose in the bloodstream through sweat. Most traditional BGL readers require the user to prick their finger and place a blood sample on a magnetic electrode strip which is then inserted into a reader device, however with new BGLS technology this is completely changed so that the user can check their blood glucose through sweat. The sensor works through two electrodes sending a small current over the surface of the skin, this draws out sweat and also allows for the EI and PH sensors to read the glucose level in the sweat, which is 99.999 percent as accurate as the traditional method, and much more discrete. This is one of the main problems diabetics face in treatment and most aren’t too fond of needles, hence why the incorporation of this sensor will see a steady improvement in overall health and in user comfort and pleasure.
The core watch utilises all of these sensors and incorporates them into a specialized operating system with the user’s condition at the forefront. The operating system utilises a home page that contains the essential applications the user needs to monitor their condition. These apps are basic reading apps for each sensor, a dietary and exercise connect app, specialized and conformed to the user upon setup with changes being automatically made as the user progresses and finally an application that allows direct contact with the user’s endocrinologist or doctor. The connection between the user and their doctor allows the watch to send weekly reports with statistics and developments, but also for their doctor to send feedback and suggested changes, but also upload routines for exercise and diet. This revolutionizes the way diabetics interact with their doctors and makes the process of consultancy much easier, which in turn will hastily help the improvement of the user’s condition.
The reason for developing this watch is simply because diabetes is a disease that is no longer a major consideration for the medical world and it seems that all available treatments aren’t moving forward very fast, simply put the world is moving on from diabetes improvement. Diabetes is a condition that is close to home for me as some family members and friends have this condition and to see how it affects them and the lack of people trying to change it, makes this project all the more relevant. From research into this disease and conducting interviews and questionnaires; three main problems were discovered.
1) Diabetics would desire a way to check blood glucose and inject insulin that isn’t as invasive, as it causes pain and problems using the traditional methods.
2) Most diabetics aim to control diabetes through diet and exercise rather than needing to resort to insulin.
3) Removing the major stigma around diabetes that this is a disease for obese people.
Ryan Jones is a recent Graduate of Industrial Designer. He has been studying and working for 4 years in the industry to hone his skills and create the quality of work seen before you and on his website. He has also worked in Mechanical Engineering to enhance his skills in manufacturing and to understand how parts and pieces work, as well as discover new ways around designing for the user.